IISER-K Seismological Laboratory: We have established a Broadband Seismological Observatory in our main campus in Mohanpur. This houses a CMG-3T 360s period sensor, DM24 Digitizer, state-of-the-art Data logger and Global Positioning System. In addition, a temporary network of several CMG-3ESPCD seismograph systems are operational in Eastern India and Kashmir Himalaya with the following objectives:
a. 3-Dimensional Crust and Upper mantle structure of India and the Himalaya.
b. Earthquake source studies and rapid dissemination of information following a local earthquake.
c. Outreach program for public awareness to Earthquakes.
We have a state-of-the-art Computational Seismology Laboratory for analysis of earthquake data recorded at these seismograph sites.
Structural Geology Research Laboratory: This facility is equipped with polarising microscopes and image analysis software for microstructural and strain analyses. The facility also has access to the academic version of the 2D Move software.
Petrological Laboratory: The department has a state-of-the-art teaching laboratory in petrology housing Leica petrological microscopes with digital photographic arrangement and automated thin section cutting and preparation machine.
Organic Geochemistry Laboratory: A state-of-art laboratory is being set up for analyzing novel biomarkers at part-per-trillion level. We have installed a Dionex Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE 350), Buchi rotovap and multivap units, laminar hood and other accessories. A 7000B triple quadrupole GCMSMS system from Agilent Technology is to be installed in the coming month. The instrument has a flame ionization detector and pyrolizing unit (Frontier Inc) attached to it also.
Environmental Science Laboratory: This facility will provide the infrastructure for physical, chemical and biological characterization of contaminated soils and waters. Automated and precise monitoring of biodegradation processes in aqueous medium will be available through a multi-reactor respirometer. Other facilities will include ion chromatograph and total organic carbon analyzer.
Luminescence Dating Laboratory: Luminescence dating will be used to obtain absolute ages of a variety of sediments including fluvial, eolian and pottery samples from archaeological sites. The age ranges from recent to ~500 ka depending on sample characteristics. Apart from providing geochronology of various geomorphic archives proposed to study in various research projects in IISER, the development of technique in terms of extending age range and providing accurate ages of fluvial sediments will be in the list to do.